If you purchase an original painting, print, cards or a commission, your satisfaction is guaranteed. If for any reason, you are not completely satisfied, you may return your purchase, for a full refund at any time, less cost of shipping.
All images on this web site are copyright of Virgil R. Carter, and shall not be copied, reproduced, reused or sold without the express, written prior consent of the artist. This includes paintings, prints, cards and any and all other artist materials. Copyright 2015 by Virgil R. Carter, all rights reserved.
The artist retains copyrights for all paintings, prints and cards, and reserves the right to include photographs and photographic reproductions of all original art work, regardless of purchase, in books, articles, other publications, exhibitions, workshop lectures, presentations and similar personal artistic endeavors, without restriction. If the original artwork has been purchased, the artist will make a good faith attempt to inform the owner, giving proper credit of ownership, in any such use.